Wednesday 2 February 2011

Snake Bite

Snake bite should be considered in any severe pain or swelling of a limb or in any unexplained illness presenting with bleeding or abnormal neurogical signs.Some cobras spit venom into the eyes of victims causing pain and inflamation.
Special signs :
1. Shock
2. Local swelling that may gradually extend up the bitten limb
3. Bleeding : external from guns,wounds or sores;internal especially intracranial.
4. Signs of neurotoxicity : respiratory difficulty oa paralysis,ptosis,bulbar palsy (difficulty swallowong and talking),limb weakness.
5. Sins of muscle breakdown : muscle pains and black urine

First Aid
1. Splint the limb to reduce movement and absorption of venom.If the bite was likely to have come from a snake with a neurotoxic venom,apply a firm bandage to affected limb from fingers or toes to proximal of site of bite.
2. Clean the wound
3. If any of the above signs,transport to hospital which has antivenom as soon as possible.If snake has already been killed,take this with child to hospital
4. Avoid cutting the wound or applying tourniquet(WHO)


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